Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Gaming OCD

It seems I have a touch of gaming OCD.

Might sound crazy to some degree, but I actually have a few lists that I've been working on, although intermittently; one list is a list of every RPG that's ever been made (more out of curiosity than anything else, I'm not even that big of an RPG player!), and the other is a list of every game that I've ever played.


It's at the moment 701 games strong, and I've got a lot more to do. This includes any game I've spent more than two minutes playing, basically, but the play has to come from an actual copy of the game. So demos and emulation doesn't count. I might start a new list, come to think of it, that would include all of the emulated games... but that just might get too long and/or messy in the long run. The big list counts foreign titles, PC games and arcade games along with those played on gaming platforms. It covers all bases.

I challenge anybody to really dig through their brain and try something like this, just to see how far you've gone. I have played games for systems I've never owned, games for systems I'll probably never own, games that I might never WANT to buy (let alone play again), the whole thing goes on and on. I own over 740 different titles, and I haven't even counted all of them yet! That might be because I'm going from memory most of the time and not digging through my lists, trying to find everything I've ever played from the bowels of my brain.

That's my main project, then the RPG thing (including title, platform, RPG-style, rarity and number of discs or whatever).

I've done one other gaming project, one that I didn't think anyone else would actually want to do: I catalogued and played every different game for the small LCD handheld known as the Dragon Boy. All of the names, all of the actual games, are described in a straight-forward document, and a few of the higher functions of the system. It was a pain in the ass, but I am the "#1 Dragon Boy Fan in the WORLD" as declared by not only myself, but of some of the members of Digital Press. So that makes it true, right?


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